Medicine woman 10 years ago, born in Colombia, mother, walker of the red road in service with fire, for sacred altars as they are, Temazcales of medicines and awakolla. Practitioner of the shamanic medicinal wheel of Mother Earth, she provides therapeutic accompaniment through different integral medicines such as ancestral feminine wisdom, lunar sowings (woman), ancestral gynecology (uterine healing), works with obsidian and its different geometries.
Johana is currently studying natural fertility, trained in mixed international circles, pregnancy and childbirth as a ceremony (Mhuysca) and placental medicine (Mhuyscas).
Facilitator of ancestral medicines such as ayahuasca, kambo, sananga, mambe, ambil, rape, cocoa
apprentice with a guide and from personal practice, with the purpose of sharing a rite of passage as it is the blessing of the road for pregnant families and future generations.
Founder of the ETNEUF project in Colombian territory whose objective is socio-family work; co-founder of malocas such as, Atawaira (Medellin – Colombia), Seeds spiritual Center (Virginia- USA)
My journey with yage ancestral medicine was formed through personal practice with Taitas and
authorities from the Putumayo communities, the Kitchwas (Isaías Muñoz Mancanilla) and Cofan (Isidro Lucitante Queta and Mayor Querubín Queta Alvarado); as well as accompaniments by the ancestral Couch Facilitator Harold Gómez and Juan Carlos Arévalo (Arkawa)
My fabric in brotherhood with Nicolás Rubiano (co-founder of seeds spiritual center) was born through the ancestral Coach Harold Gómez 5 years ago and from there we have accompanied and contained each other in unity until today, we walk together with the purpose of serving the humanity from the heart and in coherence.