Integration Circle
Zoom Meetings
Every Tuesday 7 PM ET
Join us every Tuesday at 7 PM ET to join your ceremony’s group in our process of integrating the messages from the medicine into your daily life, before and after ceremony. Our weekly group conversations help serve as a reminder – to keep our conscious daily practices alive as we grow on this journey together!
We’re here for you.
There is no doubt that the transformative work we celebrate at Pachamama Sanctuary can be difficult, but we want you to know that the process of integration is specifically designed with your needs in mind. No matter what you’re going through on your journey, you’ll be welcomed by people who have been through a variety of different experiences in life. We’re here for you, and we strive to make integration helpful, insightful, and life-changing.
There are various ways that we approach integration, but the top priority is always to ensure that you know you have a supportive, trustworthy community that celebrates open, honest, compassionate communication. You deserve to have a place to explore what you’re learning, and that’s what Pachamama Sanctuary is all about.
Find Your New Home
True freedom is experienced when people from all walks of life sit with one another, share about their experiences, and find common ground. It is with this in mind that we approach true, lasting transformation.
Do you have questions about our integration process? Would you like to learn more about what being a part of Pachamama Sanctuary is like? We would love nothing more than to speak with you, so feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to hearing from you.