Our Beliefs and Ayahuasca Practices at Pachamama Sanctuary
We believe in a Great Spirit that is the creator of and permeates through everything in existence;
We believe the Great Spirit created Pachamama (Mother Earth) and that Pachamama created all life on Earth;
We believe that Ayahuasca is the blood of Pachamama, and was humbly bestowed upon humankind to awaken slumbering souls and raise the vibration of each individual who consumes Ayahuasca, who then raises the vibration of humanity as a whole through their interactions with other beings (ripple effect);
We believe the use of Ayahuasca allows our members to commune with both the Great Spirit and Pachamama. Through this communion, we receive answers to both overarching and specific life questions and are guided on our path to raising the vibrational frequency of all mankind. Through our consumption of Ayahuasca, we are also guided to be stewards of Pachamama.
We believe that life is permanent and eternal. At death, our bodies decompose and thereby feed Pachamama so she may nourish future generations of beings. At death, our minds continue on through the knowledge we bestow upon other beings during our lifetime. At death, our spirit continues on through the way we make other beings feel during our lifetime. Through the use of Ayahuasca, we nourish and strengthen our minds, bodies, and spirits so as to ensure their eternal nature.
We believe primarily in the value and perpetuation of our community over the value and perpetuation of any single member.
We believe the spiritual efficacy of Ayahuasca is best when served in ceremonies of forty (40) members or less. We also believe the spiritual efficacy of Ayahuasca is best when served only by experienced ceremonial leaders, who are best able to guide our members through their spiritual communion with the Great Spirit and Pachamama.
We believe the use of Ayahuasca is integral to our spiritual practices, as it is the only catalyst by which we are able to directly commune with the Great Spirit and Pachamama.